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Listening to the constant cheering, the overwhelming noise of the excited crowd as they roar about the game that I can’t see. Hearing the sounds of feet walking on gravel, of kids playing nearby, (if I hear one more little boy make a YoMamma joke, I don’t know what I’ll do with myself). The sound of high heels on bleachers. The feeling of excitement I get when it’s my turn to throw a glow stick into who knows where. Although I’m sad when my friend tells me that I didn’t hit anyone.

It’s a terrific game. An intense, awkward, fun night. I bet I could go through it with my eyes closed.

Hello Jackets, my name is Landon Bryson, and the first thing you should know about me is that I am blind. Whether you’re one of those people who are my best friends, or just one of the people that I accidentally run into in the hallways, it’s still good to be writing to you.

I’m sure a lot of you guys think it’s hard for a blind person to navigate the hallways of this school, and you’d be right. It’s also hard to know which table to sit at in the cafeteria, especially when someone like me runs into them ten times a week. Sometimes I’m tempted to just sit at a random table. So seniors, if I randomly sit at your table in the cafeteria, or I accidentally interrupt one of your boyfriend-girlfriend dates, you know why.

I really wish you could eat during class. But then it wouldn’t help you pay attention, or study or whatever. For me, grades are a big thing. I want to work as hard as I can,and I think everyone should do the same. Not just because your parents say so, or your grandparents, or your teachers, or that old lady at your church. I think everyone should work hard because I know that they can focus more if they choose to, and have the confidence they need to succeed.

I won’t lie to you though. It is very hard. Especially when you move from middle to high school. Or especially when you’re taking college classes, man I can’t wait for those days.

Okay, I’m gonna go try to find my next class and run into a few doors along the way. Yeah, that whole, I’m lost in the school and I don’t know where to go feeling, happens to all of us, even the blind ones.

Until next week, this is Landon Bryson, also known as, your favorite blind Jacket.