Public Domain

Public Domain

The film “Steamboat Willie” featuring Mickey Mouse has now entered the public domain, meaning anyone can use the character to create new movies without any legal restrictions. Similarly, the name “Winnie the Pooh” also entered the public domain in 2018, making it available for anyone to use. However, it is worth noting that some creators have recently adapted Winnie the Pooh into a horror film. 

People are uploading digital versions of “Steamboat Willie”  and making it more up-to-date, but some are finding it difficult and that they are demolishing history.  The “Steamboat Willie”  form of Mickey Mouse has even been remade into a horror film just like Winnie the Pooh. Will this release into the public domain ruin the history of Mickey Mouse?

Mickey Mouse has always been a huge hit with kids and adults, for he is the face of Disney. But will his former image “Steamboat Willie”  change how kids and adults feel about Mickey Mouse? Mickey Mouse has always been featured as a kid-friendly mouse.  Today, kids will run towards him with open arms when they see him in Disney theme parks around the world.  Will kids now run away in horror knowing that his older version could potentially be seen in films as a murderer? 

Disney has fought hard to keep their characters out of the public domain. Originally, Disney would have lost their copyright to “Steamboat Willie” in 1984, but in 1976,the US government extended copyrights to 75 years.  Then, in 1988, the US government extended the copyright time again to an additional 20 years. Disney worked so hard to legally keep their rights to this older version of Mickey Mouse.  Their legal work was even called the “Mickey Mouse Protection Act.”  However, Disney lost their battle. 

Some may not care about or even know about “Steamboat Willie,” but that doesn’t mean this iconic character should be in the public domain for anyone to use.  He is still a part of the Disney culture and that means he is associated with happiness and fun.  Now, that happiness and fun can be changed and used in films filled with darkness and violence.  This should not have occurred.  In today’s world, we need to keep all the heartwarming, funny, loving characters Disney shares with the world. 

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